- Mostafa, A., Vu, L., Guo, Z., Shargh, A. K., Dey, A., Askari, H., Abdolrahim, N., “Phase-transformation assisted twinning in Molybdenum nanowires,” Computational Materials Science, 2024. Link
- Mostafa, A., Weerasinghe, A., Ramasubramaniam, A., Maroudas, D., “Response of interlayer-bonded bilayer graphene to shear deformation,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 134, no. 15, 2023. Link
- Mostafa, A., Ramasubramaniam, A., Maroudas, D., “Thermal conductivity of 2D diamond superstructures in interlayer-bonded twisted bilayer graphene,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 122, no. 13, 2023. Link
- Mostafa, A., Motalab, M., Faiyaz, A. R., Paul, R., “Uniaxial and cyclic stress-strain behavior of lead-free solders at nanoscale,” AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, vol. 2324, 2021. Link
- Li F., Mostafa, A., Zimmerman J., Liang Z., Klinger L., Yeom J., Janczak-Rusch J., Abdolrahim N., Rabkin E., “Solid state de-wetting of co-sputtered thin Mo-Cu films accompanied by phase separation,” 2024 (Under Preparation).
- Qian, S., Mostafa, A., Abdolrahim, N., “Orientation-dependent phase transformation in Molybdenum nanowires under uniaxial and bi-axial bending deformation,” 2024 (under preparation).
- A. Mostafa, L. Vu, F. Li, A. Dey, H. Askari, E. Rabkin, N. Abdolrahim, “Atomistic insights on orientation-dependent deformation mechanisms in Molybdenum: Single-crystal nanowires and polycrystals,” TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2025, Las Vegas, NV (Scheduled).
- F. Li, A. Mostafa, N. Abdolrahim, J. Zimmerman, Z. Liang, L. Klinger, J. Yeom, J. Janczak-Rusch, E. Rabkin, “Solid state dewetting of co-sputtered thin Mo-Cu films accompanied by phase separation,” TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2025, Las Vegas, NV (Scheduled).
- S. Qian, A. Mostafa, F. Li, E. Rabkin, N. Abdolrahim, “Influence of Non-Uniaxial Bending on Twinning and Phase Transformation in Molybdenum Nanowires,” TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2025, Las Vegas, NV (Scheduled).
- A. Mostafa, A. Ramasubramaniam, D. Maroudas, “Thermal conductivity of interlayer-bonded bilayer graphene,” AIChE Annual Meeting 2023, Orlando, FL. Link
- A. Mostafa, A. Ramasubramaniam, D. Maroudas, “Atomistic study of thermal and mechanical properties of graphene-nanodiamond composites,” MSE Poster Symposium 2023, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
- M. Chen, A. Mostafa, A. Weerasinghe, A. R. Muniz, A. Ramasubramaniam, D. Maroudas, “2D Diamond Superstructures in Interlayer‑Bonded Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Mechanical Response and Thermal Transport from Molecular‑Dynamics Simulations,” AIChE Annual Meeting 2022, Phoenix, AZ. Link
- M. Chen, A. Weerasinghe, A. R. Muniz, A. Mostafa, A. Ramasubramaniam, D. Maroudas, “Thermomechanical Properties of Nanodiamond Superstructures in Interlayer‑Bonded Twisted Bilayer Graphene,” AIChE Annual Meeting 2021, Boston, MA.
- A. Mostafa, M. Motalab, A. R. Faiyaz, R. Paul, “Uniaxial and cyclic stress‑strain behavior of lead‑free solders at the nanoscale,” 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME 2019), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Link
Poster Sessions
- A. Mostafa, L. Vu, F. Li, A. Dey, H. Askari, E. Rabkin, N. Abdolrahim, “Novel Methods for Phase-Transformation-Assisted Twinning in Molybdenum Nanomaterials: Simulation and Experimental Study,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) 2024, Portland, OR (Scheduled).
- S. Qian, A. Mostafa, F. Li, E. Rabkin, N. Abdolrahim, “Influence of Non-Uniaxial Bending on Twinning and Phase Transformation in Molybdenum Nanowires,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) 2024, Portland, OR (Scheduled).
- A. Mostafa, A. Ramasubramaniam, D. Maroudas, “Comparative Atomistic Study of Phonon Thermal Conductivity of Graphene and Graphene-Nanodiamond Composites,” MSE Poster Symposium, UMass Amherst, Amherst, November 2022.